Systemic Failure of American Healthcare: Part I

Our healthcare gap is widening. It’s been under construction for nearly a century. So why is it so much worse? I am a mental health care provider, and here’s my experience. Continue reading Systemic Failure of American Healthcare: Part I

The Cost of Entitlement I

What is entitlement? How can you recognize it in yourself or others? Read more to find out how you may be perpetrating an ongoing cycle that creates strong feelings of resentment, and anger in others or yourself, keeps you in toxic relationships, creates negative mental health states, intensifies mental health disorders, and ultimately pushes people away. Continue reading The Cost of Entitlement I

Denial Part II: Destructive Denial

In Denial Part I: The Cost of Avoiding Reality, I discussed what healthy and unhealthy denial is and explored the reasons why unhealthy denial develops. We also talked about the role and contribution of shame contributing to unhealthy denial. In this segment, we want to further explore how unhealthy denial becomes harmful to self and others. Continue reading Denial Part II: Destructive Denial