Not Ready To: Attachment and Bonding in Adulthood

Developmental trauma creates different personality types. Some learn to take care of everybody else but themselves, others turn inward and avoid. A therapist’s personal journey through attachment styles. Continue reading Not Ready To: Attachment and Bonding in Adulthood

The Cost of Entitlement II: Fallout

I assume most people aren’t entitled, but rather reactionary to their basic programming. While shades of entitlement have risen drastically over the last two decades, it is also now a pop-culture term used to disparage others that set boundaries and seek out healthy forms of self-care. These are two very different behaviors. Continue reading The Cost of Entitlement II: Fallout

Systemic Failure of American Healthcare Part II: A System Not Set Up for Mental Health

A perfect storm collapsed our healthcare system as a whole, including mental health. Where are we going wrong? And how can we make it right? Continue reading Systemic Failure of American Healthcare Part II: A System Not Set Up for Mental Health