Why are the Unemployment Rates for People with Autism So High?

There is a stunningly high running unemployment rate for those with autism. Why are we so unable to get work? What is it about hiring, working, and maintaining a job that differs for those who are on the spectrum? Here’s my personal experience.

We have odds stacked against us, but I choose to view this as life driving me in a better direction. This is not a poor me story. I run my own business for several reasons; and it is doing well. This is one of them. Continue reading Why are the Unemployment Rates for People with Autism So High?

Denial: The Costs of Avoiding Reality

Do you get irritated when you are faced with facts that conflict with your agenda? Are you in disbelief in situations, relationships, or your condition? If you are offended when people give you negative feedback about your behavior, or speak their truth, you may be living in denial. Continue reading Denial: The Costs of Avoiding Reality

Self-Care Part I: Why is Self-Care Essential?

Do you find yourself caring less about what you usually do, with little patience or understanding for others? If you want to retreat to a cabin in the woods for 6 months with no electronics or people, you just might be burnt out. What does this mean, and how do you get out of it? … Continue reading Self-Care Part I: Why is Self-Care Essential?